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Have you ever wondered how to get good grades in college while still allowing yourself time for fun, friends, and to enjoy your college experience? Learning how to get an A in college may not be as out of reach as you think…
The transition into college can be extremely exciting, confusing, and, at times, overwhelming. You may be wondering how to get good grades in college on top of all of the other transitions in your life.
Trust me, you’re not alone! I felt that same way. Coming in as a freshman, I was nervous and unsure about what to do, how to act, and how to get good grades in college.
But I am here to tell you that, with just a few simple tips, it is possible! I quickly learned how to be successful and how to get good grades in college.
As a junior now, I have managed to maintain my 4.0 GPA through every quarter this far… and you can too!
This post is all about how to get good grades in college.
12 Steps for How to Get Good Grades in College
1. Come to Class Prepared
This may seem like a no-brainer but it is honestly the most important tip I have when learning how to get an A in college.
No matter how undesirable or boring the work may feel, do it. (AT LEAST some… get an idea of what the class will be talking about.)
In the past, I was able to get by with not doing the assigned reading or not fully completing an assignment because there would be time to get caught up in the class.
In college, if something is assigned to be done on a certain day, most professors EXPECT that it is done when you walk in the door… in my experience, the class time is solely to discuss and expand upon the things that were assigned to you.
You get SO much more out of class when you come in prepared.
This isn’t even just a “how to get good grades in college” tip…
This is an overall “how to get the most out of college” tip. (Getting an A is just a bonus ๐ )
Honestly class is just a million times more interesting, more exciting, more engaging, and more enjoyable when you come prepared and are able to actively participate. Almost all of the best lessons I’ve learned in college have been over discussion of something assigned outside of class.
The grades will come naturally if you put in some genuine effort here.
2. Take Notes
Lucky for me, I am a MAJOR note taker. This is probably the #1 tip when wondering how to get an A in college.
My whole life, I’ve been an on-paper note-taker. It is only in the past year with the shift to online classes and online lectures that I have dipped my toe into the world of online notes.
This is totally a personal preference… I’m only telling you this to let you know that, if you HATE to handwrite notes (or HATE to type notes), there are other options.
There are also a million different note styles you can choose from (Cornell, outlining, mapping, sentence, etc.). I’ll link some common styles for you to try out here!
Again, a very personal thing. You gotta find what works best for you and your brain! It’s different for everybody!
As a pen and paper gal at heart, there are a few things I NEED when I sit down to take some good, hearty notes:
- A college-ruled spiral notebook (I am NOT a composition fan… sorry not sorry)
- Highlighters (cute colors preferred ๐)
- Colored Pens
- Sticky Tabs
- Sticky Notes
Some Favorites:
3. Ask Meaningful Questions
You gotta be willing to speak up if you want to be successful. Getting an A in college doesn’t come only by attending class and listening.
Ask intentional, meaningful questions… and ask many.
I struggled for a long time with not wanting to “look dumb” when I asked questions.
But, take it from me, no one is looking at you like you are dumb if you speak up.
Honestly, when other people in class ask questions, I either
1) think that they are paying close attention, engaging with the class
2) am thankful they asked because I was wondering the same.
Be the one that speaks up.
If you are wondering, ASK.
Confused? ASK.
Need clarification? ASK.
Ask, ask, ask.
(Okay, “ask” officially doesn’t look like a word anymore… I wrote it too many times so I’m moving on. You get the point here.๐)
4. Form Connections
This is important on so many levels and I could go on and on for days about why I recommend this.
I’ll try my best to get to keep it short and sweet here…
1. Forming connections makes school more enjoyable.
You might be thinking that making friends doesn’t answer your question of how to get good grades in college.
But it actually does.
When you enjoy class, feel comfortable, and want to be there, you naturally will be more successful.
Forming connections with people is the first step in this.
2. Forming connections makes you more likely to participate in class.
Going off of my last point, when you feel comfortable with the people around you (ie. by forming connections), you are more likely to participate in class discussions, ask questions, and speak up. You get more out of class when you put more in… and you’re more likely to put more in when you feel safe to do so!
3. Forming connections offers out-of-class opportunities.
I’ll keep this short since this is pretty much my entire next tip…
Connections in class = study groups, group projects, and homework help outside of class = better grades = finally getting an A in college like you were hoping for.
Simple as that.
5. Rely on Others
College is much more independently led than high school. For me, that was the hardest thing to accept.
It was a huge learning curve for me to learn to adopt a more student-led approach to learning.
But, honestly, teaming up with other students is essential in college.
There are times when the professor will kinda be like:
“Okay, so this is the topic. This is the assignment. And… good luck. Due next Tuesday.“
And you’re left like:
This is where group work comes in SO handy.
Cause, chances are, everyone else is like “?????” too.
Two minds (or six) are better than one.
Say you’re REALLY not feelin’ class one day. It’s nice to have one or two people you can count on to catch you up on what you missed (because, I promise, your professor does not want to).
Bottom line: Thank goodness for friends and classmates in college.
6. Research
Building on the last tip…
Research goes hand and hand with relying on others.
There will be times that every member of your group is equally as lost as you.
That’s where you gotta roll up your sleeves and dig into some research.
Google, textbooks, online resources, YouTube videos, and the library can help you out immensely.
Ask your professors about any resources they recommend too. They’ll probably be more than happy to help you find a great one!
(TBH they’re probably just happy you actually are going to do research.)
7. Know your Resources
Annnnnd… that leads me to tip #7.
Resources include the things I just mentioned: books, textbooks, YouTube, etc. If you want to get good grades in college, it is super helpful to be comfortable and knowledgeable about all of those.
However, college resources extend far beyond those… and that is what I want to talk about in this section.
If you are in college, chances are they are offering some incredible services that you either
1. don’t know about
2. don’t take full advantage of
Your college tuition goes towards more than just in-class learning so you might as well take advantage of it!
For me, some examples of these resources are:
- career center
- peer advising
- quantitative skills center (math help)
- writing and communication center (writing help)
- IT help
The list goes on and on.
Make sure you are aware of all the things your school offers so you can not only get your money’s worth but can be more successful and have a better chance at getting an A in college.
8. Plan Your Time
You guys know I’m a plan freak.
I can’t lie, I love to plan.
But even if you don’t love it (or even like it), I highly recommend you at least learn to accept it.
Life as a college student is crazy busy sometimes.
Speaking from my own personal experience, balancing a job, class, homework, hobbies, my blog, friends, family time, downtime, etc. is OVERWHELMING and, for me, nearly impossible without a set plan.
You obviously are juggling different responsibilities and schedules than me but, still, I have no doubt that you’re a busy bee!
That’s just life, right?!
But why not make it easier on yourself by scheduling your time efficiently.
If you are in need of a good planner, here is the planner brand I’ve used for two years straight!
I also have multiple posts on how I plan! If you need some inspo to jump-start your planning journey, I am here to help!
Related Posts:
In-Depth Sugar Paper Planner Review
8 Essential Planner Accessories You NEED
9. Prioritize Your Health and Well-Being
This is KEY.
College is amazing. I love it. Truly.
But college can be stressful and overwhelming, too.
It is so important to take care of your mental health.
I am guilty of putting too much pressure and stress on myself and neglecting my mental health as a result.
Don’t be like me.
0/10 recommend wearing yourself that thin.
No one can be successful with an unrested mind, malnourished body, or stressed soul. Sleep well, nourish yourself well, and care for yourself well.
Your mind, body, and grades will thank you.
{Related Post: 30 Days of Self Care}
10. Check Your Ego at the Door
We are all here to learn.
Which means…
There are things that we ALL do not know yet… that’s literally why you’re in college.
When I first started college, I felt embarrassed, intimidated, and too shy to speak up with questions.
That is my one main regret from my first couple of quarters.
Everything would’ve just been so much easier if I had just ASKED THE DANG QUESTION.
I don’t know what I was so afraid of.
No one laughed at me.
No one thought I was stupid.
Actually, most of the time, the people around me were wondering the same thing.
College is not the place for an ego. Check it at the door.
You’re here to grow, fail, succeed, question, and LEARN.
We all are!
11. Know Your Why
Like anything in life, if you want to give it your all, you should have a really solid WHY.
- Why do you want to be in school?
- What do you want to accomplish?
- Where do you want to be as a result?
- Why are you studying the things you are?
- Where will this take you?
All important questions to ask yourself if you are wanting to know how you can get an A in college.
Chances are, if you are in here, wondering how to get good grades in college, you care.
You have a goal and a mission.
So ask yourself why?
Your why is what keeps you motivated.
12. Set Goals
This kind of goes hand-and-hand with having a “why”.
I swear by goal-setting for success.
As you know, I love the concept of vision boards. They are an incredible way to set real, visual, tangible goals.
But they are not the only way.
However you choose to set goals, make sure it is what works for you.
Aim high and dream big.
After all, you are already on your way to achieving all your goals and being insanely successful in college.
There’s nothing you can’t do!
{Related Post: How to Set Goals that Work}
Those are my top 12 tips for how to get good grades in college!
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I want to remind you that, while I value grades and feel that they are important, I also believe that they are not everything. School can be hard, life can get busy, grades can slip… that never makes you a failure.
These are just my own personal tips for how I have managed to get and maintain good grades in college.
I hope you found something helpful here!
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