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Everyone talks about the importance of knowing how to carry yourself as a woman.
“Make sure you do this so you don’t look like that.”
“Make sure you don’t do that so you look like this.“
It’s all really exhausting. In reality, there is very little you need to know about how to carry yourself as a woman. Honestly, it’s extremely simple and it gets way overcomplicated.
If you are looking to be a happy, healthy, confident, and strong woman, these are the 15 things you should know about the way you carry yourself.
15 Tips for How to Carry Yourself as a Woman
1. Act Confident
Putting confidence as the #1 tip for how to carry yourself as a woman because I think it is THAT IMPORTANT!
We are so conditioned as women that confidence is arrogant, wrong, cocky, etc. NO! Confidence is key!
I think there are few things more beautiful than a confident woman. Sometimes I will walk by a woman that exudes such confidence that I automatically feel drawn to her energy. It’s so attractive on a physical and non-physical level.
{RELATED POST: How to Feel More Confident in Your Body}
Not to mention, no one doubts confidence. Be strong and know who the heck you are.
Even if you aren’t feeling particularly confident one day, pretend you are. Carry yourself with confidence anyways!
If you act confident, you will start to FEEL confident.
Act confident and no one will question you – including yourself.
2. Be Kind to Others
Kindness is an essential part of carrying yourself as a woman that is well-respected and beautiful. I firmly believe that a kind heart is more important than all physical qualities; I think it is the most beautiful thing about someone.
So be kind! Smile at that baby. Compliment that girl’s outfit. Buy a coffee for the person behind you. Tell the cashier that they are great at their job. Help the pregnant woman load her trunk with groceries.
The cool thing is, there are so many completely free ways to spread love and kindness. It costs you NOTHING to be a kind woman!
3. Communicate Clearly
And firmly.
As a woman, it is unbelievably common to have other people try to talk over you or negate the things you are saying (mansplaining is all too common… UGH!). When this happens, it can feel natural to back down. I am so guilty of this as a woman myself.
But no. Stand firm.
Whether this be demanding respect in the workplace, vocalizing your opinions, or simply saying “no“, it is important that you know how to vocalize your thoughts, needs, and wants… and know that they are worthy of being heard!
It can be difficult to vocalize your needs and wants clearly and firmly. It takes practice and, over time, it will become second nature. Part of becoming a strong woman is learning how to carry yourself with solidity in what you stand for.
4. Respect Yourself
Self-respect occurs on so many levels. Standing up for yourself, saying “stop” when you feel disrespected, dressing a certain way, and refusing to give in to peer pressure are all forms of self-respect (to name only a FEW).
When you respect yourself, you teach others to respect you too. Everyone says “treat others the way you want to be treated”. While that is true, the reverse is also true: treat yourself the way you want others to treat you.
Respecting yourself shows that you are strong, confident, and know that you are deserving of respect from others.
After all, demanding respect is part of knowing how to carry yourself as a woman. It starts with you!
5. Stand Up for What You Believe
Opinionated women unite!
News flash: you are allowed to have opinions AND voice them! This doesn’t mean you have to be disrespectful or unkind to opposing views… but you can most definitely speak up and have a voice!
Before learning how to carry yourself as a woman, it can be difficult to stand firm and vocalize your views when in a mixed crowd. I feel that women are often taught and conditioned to be quiet and agreeable. Nope! Not here!
Girl, share your opinion. Voice your thoughts.
Don’t shrink down because you are made to believe you should feel small and intimidated (especially in relation to men!).
6. Take Care of Yourself
On every level!
In order to carry yourself well, you have to feel good! That begins with taking good care of yourself.
This means mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Some things I make sure I am ALWAYS doing to care for myself:
- Getting enough sleep
- Drinking enough water
- Nourishing myself with foods that make me feel good (and ENOUGH food!)
- Taking time for self-care every day (or having a full self-care day once a week)
- Staying organized
- Working out and moving my body
- Keeping up with social relationships
- Getting outside daily
- Working towards self-improvement
- Journaling
- Going to therapy
- Spending time alone
When you feel your best, you can be your best and carry yourself as the confident woman you are.
Feeling your best starts with yourself! Self-care is everything!
7. Own Your Body
Own your body, own your sexuality, own your appearance, own it all!
You are you and that is beautiful. THAT is reason to carry yourself with confidence and self-love.
Unfortunately, we live in a society that objectifies and sexualizes women’s bodies – without their approval. Take charge of your own body.
Be sexual if you want to be sexual. Be reserved if you want to be reserved (and stand up to anyone that makes you feel otherwise!). Above all, BE CONFIDENT IN YOUR BODY ALWAYS.
{RELATED POST: 50 Deep Journal Prompts for Body Image}
Your body is exactly that… YOUR body. Embrace it and take full ownership over it. Your body’s purpose is not to be looked at or to be viewed as beautiful by other people. It is all yours until you choose to share it with someone else.
Own it, sister.
8. Refuse to Settle
Be the woman who knows what she wants and refuses to settle for anything less. Whether this is in a job, in a relationship, in a friendship, in respect, in life, NEVER SETTLE.
Part of carrying yourself as a woman is being strong enough to demand what you want and deserve. This may mean you have to stand up for yourself often and maybe even reevaluate some relationships.
Your happiness is non-negotiable.
9. Be Ambitious
This ties in perfectly with tip 8. Never settle and CHASE YOUR GOALS.
Having ambition is so important when you are hoping to be the happiest and most confident version of yourself. When you carry yourself with ambition and drive, you demand a sense of respect.
Every time I see a woman actively pursuing her dreams and working to better her life, I applaud her. Those are the women that have inspired me to chase my own goals and open my own company at 19.
Be that woman – for yourself and for other girls looking up to you.
10. Remain Humble
Confidence doesn’t mean cocky. There is actually a huge difference that I think some people miss.
Remaining humble is an essential part of knowing how to carry yourself as a woman – or as anyone!
You can be the most successful, most beautiful, and most amazing person in the world… but what matters is that you still don’t think you are better than others. You don’t believe you are more worthy of respect or love. And you don’t treat others poorly because you think you’re above them.
You can demand you be treated well without feeling like you deserve to be treated better than others.
That is the difference between confident and cocky, between strong and stubborn, between rude and respectable. That is being humble.
11. Laugh at Yourself
Oh my gosh! This isn’t just a tip for how to carry yourself as a woman, this is just a tip for LIFE.
Stop taking yourself so dang seriously! Life isn’t that serious. Laugh a little. Have fun!
You messed up a presentation? So what?! Make a silly remark about it.
You spilled your water all over yourself on the first date? Oh well! Better crack a joke.
This not only makes life more fun, but it also makes YOU more fun to be around.
12. Have Good Posture
Good posture is a tell-tale sign of confidence. Whether you truly feel confident or not, you exude feelings of self-confidence and security with some good posture.
Your posture not only affects how other people see you, but good posture can actually lead to feeling stronger and more confident.
Studies have shown that your body language plays a huge part in your success. In fact, posture was considered the most important body language signal for success.
Exude confidence and boost your success by carrying yourself proudly with good posture everywhere you go.
13. Make Eye Contact
This is another very important body language signal. Making direct eye contact with others is one of the most telling signs of having good self-esteem (something you should have as you carry yourself as a woman! You’re beautiful, girl. Show that self-esteem!).
Eye contact also gives you a form of control. Whether it be familial, intimate, professional, or just casual relationships, when you hold eye contact with someone, you gain a sense of control over the conversation.
This control mixed with the confidence you exude with eye contact makes you unstoppable!
Just a few seconds of eye contact can really go a long way in carrying yourself as a confident woman.
14. Treat Everybody with Respect
Busboy or CEO, I don’t care! Strong women are KIND and RESPECTFUL of ALL people.
This goes hand and hand with staying humble. It is important to carry yourself with class and know that you are not better than anybody else. Every single person you come in contact with is worthy of basic human respect.
Being kind is one of the strongest things you can do. We live in a world that has a lot of negativity and, honestly, hate. Be a light. People will be drawn to your energy when you are kind and respectful of other people.
15. Be Authentic
Authenticity is everything.
I wish a life filled with authenticity for everyone. When I first started Authentically Del, I was challenging myself to embrace my true self, imperfections and all.
This is the most amazing thing I could’ve done for myself. I wish I had committed to a life of authenticity years before.
Enough about me though… let’s get into what this means for YOU.
Authenticity for every individual is going to be a bit different. The main thing I want you to take away from this is that you need to allow yourself the freedom to be YOU.
There can be a lot of pressure put on you to know how to carry yourself as a woman: what to say, what to do, what to wear, how to act…
But what’s most important is that you are being true to YOU. I can sit here and give you these 15 tips for carrying yourself as a woman, but they might not all resonate with you exactly.
Adapt them into YOUR life. Make them personal.
You are unique and that is precisely what makes you special. That is your power! So embrace it, girl! Remain 100% authentic to you in all you do!
There you have 15 tips for how to carry yourself as a woman.
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The pressures can be overwhelming as a woman. Everyone has an opinion. So while I do give you some specific tips here, I want your main takeaway to be this…
You can be whatever woman you want to be.
As long as you are happy, that is all that matters!
naa sowah says
great tips, i will recommend for every lady
Delaney says
Thank you, Naa!
Jenna Dunn says
Great tips!! so accurate.
Delaney says
Thank you!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post!