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Challenges are all over our social media. While some may seem silly, a short 30 day challenge can actually be incredibly helpful in your journey to self-improvement!
Why Start a 30-Day Challenge?
Starting a 30-day challenge can be a really effective way to jumpstart a new habit or accomplish a goal.
Many studies have found that habits can be built within 21 days.
With that, a 30-day challenge is a perfect amount of time to evoke some change in your life habits!
30-day challenges are also a super reasonable amount of time. Setting goals and starting to pursue them can feel really daunting.
By dividing them up into smaller 30-day challenges, they seem more doable and less overwhelming!
What are 30-Day Challenges About?
This is the beauty of a 30-day monthly challenge… they can be about ANYTHING you want.
They are often the building blocks to a bigger goal or a more long-term habit.
It may be something as simple as “drink 8 glasses of water every day” or something as big as “better one person’s life every day” (that is one of my favorite 30-day challenge ideas!).
But, truly, there are SO many options… you may even think there are endless options. Once you start brainstorming the ideas, they just keep flowing!
These challenge ideas are super customizable and ready to be altered to fit YOU –your schedule, your life, your goals.
70 Best 30-Day Challenge Ideas
Since there are so many here, I have divided these ideas into smaller categories: mental health, physical health, daily routines, productivity/work/finance, home, and relationships!
Mental Health 30-Day Challenge Ideas
1. Practice Self-Care Daily
The act of practicing self-care can sometimes fall on the back burner when life gets busy. Stop that habit and make yourself a priority again by challenging yourself to 30 days of daily self-care. (I love to do this in the form of a self-care night!)
I actually have a great post that explains and dives into the 6 key areas of self-care in your life. Check it out to make sure you’re tending to every one.
2. Positive Affirmations Daily
Positive affirmations are something that I truly never believed in until I took on the 30 day challenge of practicing them daily. I really saw a difference in just 30 days.
3. Journal Daily
Making journaling an everyday practice is such an intimate form of self-care. Make it your goal to journal once a day for 30 days.
Here are some prompts to get you started:
80 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery
55 Journal Prompts for Body Image
4. Read
Reading for pleasure is so often overlooked. For me, reading is such a great way to focus on my mental health and has so many benefits. Making it your goal to read (even just 10 pages) every day for 30 days may help start up the good habit.
5. Schedule Me-Time Everyday
Whether you’re a mom, a busy college student, or just someone who struggles to slow down and take a moment for themselves, really planning out some me-time might be exactly what you need.
6. Listen to Inspiring Podcasts
There are so many incredible Podcasts out that inspire, motivate, and encourage. Find some that you love and listen to an episode every day for 30 days.
7. Laugh Every Single Day
Oh my GOSH! This is so important. This 30-day challenge goes beyond the act of just laughing.
It also encourages you to surround yourself with positivity, joy, and happiness (aka things that inspire you to LAUGH)! Such a great way to evoke a change in the environment.
8. Stop Negative Self-Talk
If you catch your mind starting to say something negative about yourself (more common than you even know!), stop it in its tracks.
Undo that pattern.
30 days, 0 negative self-talk.
9. Spend Time Outside Daily
Fresh air and nature are so healing for the mind, body, and soul. Get outside at least once a day!
Printable Habit Tracker Bundle:
- 30-Day Habit Tracker
- 31-Day Habit Tracker
- Weekly Habit Tracker
- 6 Habit Spots
- Reflection Space
- Self-Care Habit Tracker
- 7 Habit Spots
- Mood Tracker
- Next Week’s Goals Space
- BONUS: Habit Planner
- Intentions/Goal-Setting
- Daily Habit Plan
- Monthly Habit Plan
- Identify Bad Habits to BREAK
10. Utilize a Meditation App
Meditation can be a great tool to center yourself and calm down the things in your mind.
Headspace is my favorite app!
If you can make time for this to be a part of your morning routine (which we’ll talk about later 😉 ), it can be a really great way to start a successful day.
But if you would prefer to meditate the night, the benefits are still there! Fit some meditation in wherever you can for 30 days!
11. List Things You Love About Yourself
This is one of my favorite monthly challenge ideas! I just love all things that help to build a positive relationship with yourself.
RELATED POST: 100 Things to Love About Yourself
Self-love is EVERYTHING!
Physical Health 30-Day Challenge Ideas
12. Drink ‘X’ Ounces of Water Every Day
This is a 30 day challenge that I have done personally and WOW! The benefits are amazing.
More energy, clearer skin, better digestion, clearer focus… the list goes on and on. I always aim to drink half my body weight (in lbs) in ounces.
So, for example, if you weighed 150 lbs, you would drink 75 ounces or more of water per day!
(Keep in mind that exercise and caffeine mean you should drink extra water!)
13. Get 7+ Hours of Sleep Each Night
This is an important habit to build for life.
And starting with just a 30 day month-long challenge can help you build it.
According to the CDC, adults need 7 OR MORE hours of sleep every night to function optimally. You can’t run on an empty tank! Rest up!
14. No Fast Food
While I strongly believe that balance is the key to a healthy life, fast food can really leave you feeling sluggish. Ditch it for just 30 days and see how great you feel!
15. No Soda
Same as above… balance is key, but soda can be harmful for your body. Challenge yourself for 30 days to take a break.
16. Workout Everyday
Okay, okay. Before you take this the wrong way… Please do not become obsessive over your workouts. In fact, it is not good to workout hard every day. Rest days are necessary!
But it can be really good to move your body in SOME way every day. It doesn’t have to be intense. Walks, yoga, stretching, etc. are all great ways to move and honor your body.
RELATED POST: How to Have an Incredible At-Home Workout
17. Take ‘X’ Steps Everyday
I said ‘X’ steps because every body is different. Walking is good for you, but the exact amount is personal!
What works for someone else might not work for you. Mayo Clinic has a really helpful article about how to find out how many steps you should aim for.
18. Try a New Form of Movement Every Day
Oooh! This is a fun one! I love to try new ways to move my body. I have actually done this 30-day challenge myself… that is when I discovered my love for yoga!
YouTube will be your best friend for this challenge!
19. Eat ‘X’ Servings of Fruit/Veggies
The amount of fruits and veggies you need in a day depends on many factors. Find out what is right for YOU and shoot for it every day for 30 days!
20. Eat Breakfast
You know what I’m about to say…
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. 😉
Stop skipping it! You need to fuel your day! Break that bad habit in the next 30 days.
21. Limit Your Caffeine
Okay… I desperately need to do this 30-day challenge myself. My morning coffee has gotten a bit out of hand.
Caffeine itself is not bad for you. But, like anything, too much is not good. Learn how much caffeine is too much for you and limit yourself to staying under that.
22. Stretch Every Day
Stay limber! I love to make stretching part of my night routine. This used to be a habit of mine and I am trying to pick it back up!
Stretching isn’t only good for flexibility, it helps your overall body stay healthy and strong.
23. Stop Calorie Counting
This is a controversial one but I stand strong on it personally. Ditch calorie counting. Intuitive eating is the way to go for your mental, physical, and emotional health.
If you have a long past of calorie counting, it can feel incredibly uncomfortable to stop. Give yourself grace in this journey.
This 30-day challenge may be hard but it is exactly what you need to break the habit. The end result will be worth it.
This book (and this workbook) helped me along my journey of learning to eat intuitively. It is still someone I am working on!
24. Eat More Whole Foods
Eating more of a whole foods diet (not restricting other foods… just being mindful!) has really helped my digestion. Fruits, veggies, whole grains… yum!
25. Ditch the Diet
Did you know that diets just do not work? The majority of dieters will regain all the weight they lose (and then some!). Dieting can be so harmful to your mental AND physical health.
After reading Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison in my ED recovery, my entire perception of food changed.
My ideas of “good” and “bad” foods, my relationship with food, my understanding of weight… all of it. This is one of the most perspective-changing books I’ve ever read.
Everyday Routine 30-Day Challenge Ideas
26. Make a Set Bedtime
Having a routine and a schedule for your sleep is so much healthier for you than being all over the place with bedtimes and wake-up times!
Just as it’s important to get enough sleep, going to bed at the same time every night is also important to your health and well-being.
27. Wake Up at the Same Time Every Day
AT LEAST every weekday. Challenge yourself for 30 days to wake up at roughly the same time every morning. Getting on a routine feels so good!
28. Schedule Afternoon Breaks
The afternoon slump is REAL. It typically hits between 1-3 pm. It is entirely natural but that doesn’t mean it has to kill your productivity.
Make a routine to beat the afternoon slump.
Whether it be going for a quick walk or grabbing an energizing afternoon snack, find something that helps keep your energy up!
29. Make a Morning Routine
The KEY to a successful day is a solid morning routine. Build one and stick to it for an entire 30 day challenge cycle.
RELATED POSTS: 7 Habits for a More Productive Morning | 11 Tips for How to Start a Productive Day
30. Make a Night Routine
Ending your day right is almost as important as starting it right. What you do at night not only ends your day, but it helps to set you up for the next day.
I love to do some night habits to prepare me for the next morning followed by a short self-care night routine.
31. Make Your Bed Every Morning
After reading Make Your Bed, this is something I HAVE to do.
I actually did this as a 30-day challenge myself (as part of my morning routine) and it changed my life. You’ll be shocked by the benefits of just making your bed in the morning.
32. Use Your Planner Everyday
OH MY GOSH! This is a huge one.
Anyone that knows me knows that my planner is my LIFE. Wherever I go, my planner goes too.
But if you are just starting out or are a bit inconsistent with your planner, this 30 day challenge is for YOU.
Check out my entire section DEDICATED to all things planning. There are tons of helpful posts there to get you started!
Challenge yourself to use your planner every day. You will be SHOCKED by how much more organized and productive you feel.
33. No Snoozing Your Alarm
Another one I am guilty of from time to time. This is a habit I want to break myself.
34. Get Dressed for the Day
When I started working from home, I developed a bad habit of staying in comfy clothes all day. It’s a habit I had to break. Getting dressed makes me feel way more motivated and ready for the day.
35. No Phone in the Morning
NOT the best way to start your day.
36. No Phone Before Bed
For at least 30 minutes. Wind down naturally.
Productivity, Work, and Finance 30-Day Challenge Ideas
37. Make a Day-at-a-Glance in the Morning
A day-at-a-glance is a great way to lay out your day for success from the start!
(Check out my printables for FREE day planner sheets)
38. Plan Dinners for Everyday
Whether you plan out dinner in the morning every day, do a weekly dinner plan, or even a monthly plan (for the entire 30-day challenge), make it your goal to plan out your meals! This can take the stress off, save you money on groceries, and give you tons of unique options for dinner ideas.
39. Track Your Spending
Keeping track of your spending for 30 days can help give you a better idea of your finances and your budget.
40. No Non-Essential Shopping
You know, those trips to Target just because you’re bored. Those days you feel like splurging just because. Those random shopping trips. Quit them for 30 days if you are trying to save some extra money!
41. Adopt a Money Saving Habit
There are tons of simple everyday habits that can save you money. Pick one and stick to it for the entire 30 day challenge.
42. Stop Wasting Time
Finding out your time-wasting habits is the first step… then BREAK THEM. 30 days. You can do it!
43. No Eating Out
Good for your health and for your wallet!
44. Tackle One “Big” To-Do Everyday
You know those tasks that just feel so daunting. They can pile up quickly. Check one off your list every day for 30 days.
45. Make Lists to Get Organized
Become a list-maker. Making lists is one of the best ways to get organized in all areas of your life.
Home 30-Day Challenge Ideas
46. Tidy Up at the End of Every Night
Taking the time to do a five-minute tidy at the end of every day is a great way to keep your home clean and organized.
47. Donate One Thing Everyday
Getting rid of things is an important part of decluttering. Donate one thing that you don’t need each day of this 30 day challenge. Think of the space you could clear!
48. Focus on Decluttering One Area
Yup. One area for the entire 30 days. This is great if you have an area in your home that is particularly messy! For me, it’s my garage! Work at it a little every day for 30 days and see the results!
49. Go Through Your Clothes
This could easily fill up the entire 30-day challenge for me.
Tackle one area, one drawer, or one category of clothing every day. Get rid of anything that you no longer need or wear!
50. Go to Bed with No Dirty Dishes
51. Put Your Clothes Away
When you change for the day, DO NOT throw those clothes in a heap on the floor. Instead, throw them in the laundry or put them away.
52. Empty the Dishwasher
If you run it every day, then unload it every day. If you do it less often, then just make sure to unload it when it’s done!
53. Do a Load of Laundry
Laundry can pile up and feel so daunting! UGH! Tackle a load a day for this 30-day challenge!
54. Clear Clutter
Clear off the kitchen table, pick up the floor, wipe down the counters… keep every area tidy and clear of clutter!
Every. Day.
55. Vacuum
If you’re anything like me, you’re always dropping things on the floor… especially in the kitchen. There are always crumbs.
Vacuum them up every day. Don’t let the crumb pile build!
Relationship 30-Day Challenge Ideas
56. Talk to One Family Member Every Day
Text your mom. Call your grandma. Grab coffee with your brother. Foster those family relationships.
57. Give One Compliment Each Day
It can be to a friend or a complete stranger. Give one genuine, kind compliment every day.
READ: 100 Non-Appearance-Related Compliments
58. Pay It Forward
This may sound pricey if you are doing it every day.
But it can be as cheap as giving $1 to someone in need. Or buying the car behind you some Starbucks.
You will make their day. That feels pretty amazing.
59. Write a Letter to a Loved One
If you don’t want to deliver them, that’s okay!
You can even just write a letter in your journal and keep it for you. This activity just helps to focus on great relationships and build stronger feelings of love and appreciation for those in your life!
60. Leave 30 Notes Around the House for Your Partner
One note a day. Stick them on their coffee mug for the morning. On the bathroom mirror where they get ready. In their car.
Just say something sweet and simple! They’ll LOVE it.
61. Text One Person Every Day
I can get into the habit of isolating myself from friendships. Reach out to someone at least once a day. Stay involved.
62. Eat Dinner with Your Family/Partner
Eat dinner with the people you live with. Every single night. For the whole 30-day challenge.
This is such a great chance to get caught up and strengthen relationships.
63. Send a Random Message of Kindness to a Stranger
Go on Instagram. Find a random person. Send them something kind. We need more of that- especially on social media!
64. NO Phone When Visiting
Phones are such a big distraction when you should be focused on the person you are with. PUT IT AWAY. Have real-life conversations.
65. Show Someone You Love Them
Random acts of love and kindness can really help foster relationships.
(And you can show someone love for $0!!!)
66. Work On Your Relationship with Yourself
All your relationships are impacted by your relationship with yourself. Work on building self-love for this 30 day challenge!
67. Practice Vulnerability
It can be hard to be open about emotions. It feels vulnerable! Scary!
But it is essential for strong relationships. Practice being more open with loved ones for 30 days.
68. Say “I Love You” Once a Day
69. Unwind with a Loved One
Whether it’s talking to your partner in bed or calling your mom at the end of the day, chat with someone about your day every night. This is a great way to unwind while strengthening a connection.
70. Make One Person Smile Everyday
Saving my very favorite 30-day challenge for last… this one is so great.
Think of the difference you could make. One smile for 30 days… That’s 30 smiles, 30 people, 30 moments of happiness. That’s incredible!
Go Start a 30-Day Challenge!
Whoop whoop!
Wow, that was a lot of ideas. Hopefully, you found one (or many!) that stuck with you.
Go START IT! You got this!
If you try any of these 30 day challenges, let me know how it goes for you! I’d love to hear!
Katrina says
These are really great tips! I’m going to make a list like this for myself! I would love to better myself.
Delaney says
Yay! So glad you enjoyed it, Katrina!
Michelle says
Great information. I am around 2 months of self improvement. It’s no longer a challenge, its a way of life now.
Delaney says
I love that! It feels so good when it turns into a habit!