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For some of us, self-love comes naturally. For others, we have to practice it often. These self-love journal prompts are the perfect way to include some self-love practice into your everyday life.
Having a deep foundation of self-love is one of the best ways you can pursue a life of confidence and happiness. At the root of everything in our lives is ourselves.
When we realize that, we can begin to understand the importance of caring for ourselves.
Yet, for some reason, when we get busy in life, the first thing we neglect is often ourselves.
Through the simple practice of self-love journaling, I was able to start adding some self-compassion, self-care, self-acceptance, and self-love back into my life. This has been a game-changer for me in nearly every way.
Why Journal for Self-Love?
Journaling for self-love is one of the best ways to help instill self-confidence.
Confidence is essential for so many areas of our lives.
When we feel confident, we are more likely to take care of ourselves, feel happier, and live a life of mental, physical, and emotional wellness.
When we recognize all the benefits of confidence, it makes sense why a lack of confidence and self-love feels so detrimental. If you do not feel love for yourself, it shows up in nearly every area of life.
If you lack self-love, you may be more likely to:
- self-isolate
- talk yourself out of opportunities
- harm your body
- seek unhealthy external comfort (excessive drinking, drugs, etc.)
- develop disordered eating habits
- feel angry, irritable, or depressed
- lack meaningful relationships
- tolerate mistreatment/unhealthy relationships
These are only some of the many negative impacts of low self-esteem and a lack of self-love.
By journaling for self-love, you make a conscious effort to build up the love and gratitude you feel for yourself.
I like to think of self-love as a muscle – the more we work it and practice using it, the stronger it gets and the easier it is to use.
Self-love journaling is essentially practicing self-love and helping you build it up. This will eventually show up in other areas of your life, benefiting your overall happiness.
How Often to Journal for Self-Love?
The frequency of your self-love journaling practice is highly personal and individual. I, personally, try to write at least once every two days – I aim for once a day but that doesn’t always happen.
If you are someone that has never journaled before, it may take a bit more time for you to build up the habit.
On the other hand, if you journal routinely already, adding in a self-love journal prompt may come more naturally.
You can also self-love journal on a completely as-need basis, meaning you only journal when you need the boost.
I’ve found that the more rule, guidelines, and regulations I put on my journaling, the less effective it is.
I think that there is something to be said for allowing yourself grace and flexibility with journaling. If it is working for YOU, that is all that matters.
This includes the length of your journal entries. One prompt may inspire you to write for pages, while another prompt feels more like a dead-end.
Whether you have 5 words or 5 pages, the importance is that the journaling feels meaningful and powerful for you.
A Personal Note on Self-Love
Self-love has been a struggle for me for most of my life. Eventually, a lack of self-love resonated in very self-destructive ways: mental illness, an eating disorder, social isolation, etc.
While it is tough to say whether these things were caused by a lack of self-love or not, there is a definite link between minimal self-love, low self-esteem, and these mental struggles.
Starting to implement some self-love into my journaling practice has really helped me start to overcome some of these issues.
As I said before, self-love is like a muscle – and mine was very weak. But, with time, dedication, and practice, I have been able to strengthen it bit by bit.
This did not happen overnight and my journey is far from over. If you feel that you hit a wall or become stagnant in your own self-love growth, please give yourself grace, time, and patience.
Now let’s get onto these journal prompts for self-love…
75 Empowering Journal Prompts for Self-Love
Feel free to skip around these prompts. Find ones that inspire you at the moment and work on those. You can alter, repeat, skip, or change any of these to better suit you and your needs.
These self-love journal prompts are about embracing all aspects of yourself – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Full self-love involves embracing every part of you!
- What is your favorite physical quality of yourself?
- When do you feel the most strong, physically?
- What does your body allow you to do that you are grateful for?
- List 10 things that make you feel sexy.
- Write a ‘thank you’ letter to a physical part of your body.
- Give a compliment to every major body part. (Feel free to think outside of appearance here… ie. ‘I love my legs for carrying me through life‘)
- When do you feel the sexiest?
- What physical features do you think strangers admire about you?
- Do you feel that you place your worth in your physical appearance? How does that serve you? How does it harm you?
- What is your favorite form of movement that your body allows you to do?
- What’s something unique about your physical body? Do you have a special feature, talent, or skill?
- List 10 things you appreciate about your physical body.
- Describe your physical appearance as though you are a secret admirer.
- Write out your favorite self-care ideas for the 5 senses – sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch.
- What outfit makes you feel the most confident? Why?
- Who makes you feel the most beautiful? How?
- Are you confident in your appearance? Free write any emotions that come to mind.
RELATED POST: 55 Powerful Body Image Journal Prompts
- Free write on all the reasons physical appearance actually DOESN’T matter.
- List the things you don’t love about your physical self. (Acknowledging these is the first step in healing.)
- Think of your favorite memory/place/experience. Describe the physical sensations of that moment in detail.
- What is your #1 favorite quality about yourself?
- What qualities do you possess that you seek in a partner?
- In what ways do you make the world a better place?
- What are you passionate about?
- In what ways are you soft? When do you stand more firm?
- How do you best receive love? (Try taking the love language test!)
- Do you feel loved by yourself?
- What are your dreams?
- Write yourself a letter from your past self saying how proud you are.
- Write a letter of encouragement to your future self.
- How do you like to care for yourself?
- Make a faux resume that showcases your incredible personality traits.
READ: 121 Compliments Deeper Than Physical Appearance
- What is a dream that you have made a reality?
- Write about a goal you have achieved in the past year. How does it feel to acknowledge this win?
- Make a list of everything you consider a strength of yours.
- Write about what the word “purpose” means to you. Do you feel a sense of purpose?
- Write down 10 positive affirmations for self-love.
- What is your favorite compliment to receive? Why?
- How would you want others to describe you to a stranger?
- In what areas of life do you live the most authentically? Why?
- When do you feel the most content? What are you doing? Who is there?
- If money was no factor, what would you do with the rest of your life?
- How have you evolved over the past year? 5 years?
- Make a list of mood boosters for when you have a bad day.
- What activities make you feel most relaxed? How can you feel that more often?
- Describe yourself as you think your loved ones see you.
- How are you kind? In what ways do you make others’ lives better?
- What difference do you want to make in the world?
- What is a childhood goal that you have already accomplished?
- Describe your sense of humor.
- Write a letter to your future self. Speak as though you already have everything you dream of for yourself. (ie. ‘Congratulations on the new job’, ‘I see that you have started a family’) Writing as though these things have happened is a written manifestation tool for manifesting your future.
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- How are you a good friend/spouse/partner/daughter/sister/etc.?
- What are your best personality traits?
- Do you feel confident? Where do you feel confident? What parts of your life need work in the confidence department?
- What is the best compliment you have ever gotten? Why?
- What is holding you back from complete happiness? How can you let that go?
- Who knows you the best in the world? Why do you think they love you? (ie. list the things that make you lovable!)
- Do you feel free to be authentically yourself in your life? When (if) do you feel the need to act like something you’re not?
- What makes you a good romantic partner?
- How have you grown in the last year? 5 years?
- Who do you look up to most? Why? In what ways are you similar?
- What do you love most about your life at this exact moment?
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- Give yourself 15 genuine compliments.
- Write a letter of advice to your teenage self.
- What mindset shifts would improve your life?
- Are you happy?
- In what ways have you exceeded your own expectations for yourself?
- Write about a time you failed and what you learned through that process.
- Do you trust yourself? Why or why not?
- Set a self-love goal for the future. (Consider setting a big goal and smaller goals to help you reach it!)
- What does true self-love mean to you?
- Do you feel connected to your body? Why or why not?
- What are your core values? How do these shape who you are?
- What makes you soft? What makes you strong?
- Write a love letter to yourself.
How Will You Begin Journaling for Self-Love?
Which one of these self-love journaling prompts feels the most meaningful to you?
How often do you think you will utilize your self-love journal?
In what ways do you see journaling for self-love improving your life?
Do you have any of your own self-love journal prompts to add to this list?
I want to know all about these things. Leave a comment below to chat about our self-love journaling journey.
More Journaling Prompts for Self-Love:
55 Powerful Body Image Journal Prompts
50 Therapeutic Journal Prompts for Mental Health
80 Insightful Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery
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