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Journaling for self-care is one of the simplest, yet most effective ways to show yourself love. Here are 150 self-care journaling prompts to help guide your journaling journey.
If you are looking to pursue personal development, internal growth, introspection, or improved self-care, journaling is the ideal activity for you.
There are so many wonderful benefits to journaling that help improve the quality of life and your overall well-being. Journaling itself is an act of self-care.
These self-care journal prompts will help you take it one step further and really dive into the deeper self-care topics that will leave you feeling happier, healthier, and more fulfilled than before.
By exploring each of the 6 types of self-care, these journaling prompts will offer you a full, well-rounded opportunity to totally level up the way you care for yourself.
150 Self-Care Journal Prompts
These prompts are categorized to focus on each of the 6 main types of self-care: emotional, mental, physical, social, practical, and spiritual.
Emotional Self-Care Prompts
- What is the most prominent emotion in your body right now? Where do you feel it?
- When do you most often find a sense of pure happiness?
- How would you describe the feeling of joy in your body?
- How does sadness manifest in your body?
- Which emotions do you find the most challenging to hold?
- Make a list of the things that make you happy in life.
- How do you handle the feeling of anger? Do you feel this is healthy? Why or why not?
- How do you calm yourself down when overly stressed or anxious?
- Make a list of positive affirmations for stress and anxiety.
- What songs bring you comfort when sad? Make a “feeling sad” playlist.
- What songs bring you pure joy and happiness? Make a “happy vibes” playlist.
- How would you describe the feeling of love?
- When do you feel the most empowered and strong?
- What makes you feel proud of yourself?
- Make a list of the small simple joys in life that make you smile.
- Do you consider yourself an emotional person overall? Why or why not?
- Do you think any emotions are unhelpful? Why or why not?
- What emotions do you feel the most uncomfortable expressing?
- Which relationships in your life are a safe place for practicing emotional intimacy?
- Make a list of your favorite emotional books to read.
- What does emotional intelligence mean to you?
- Do you feel you are emotionally intelligent? Why or why not?
- How can you bring more joy into your everyday life?
- Do you have an emotional self-care practice? How can you better tend to your emotional needs?
- Make a list of things that make you feel grateful in life.
- Make a list of things that make you feel sad.
- What would make you feel happier right now? Is there a way to get this need met?
- Which emotion do you feel helps you grow most as a person?
- Look at the feelings wheel. Which emotions do you feel are most prominent in your current phase of life?
- What makes you feel calm and at peace?
Mental Health Self-Care Prompts
- In what ways do you show yourself love and care?
- What are some good mental health habits you have?
- What are some habits that are unhelpful for your mental health?
- How would you describe your relationship with yourself?
- What are your favorite self-care activities?
- Make a list of comfort shows/movies for when you need a mood boost.
- Describe your ideal self-care night from start to finish.
- What are your top self-care essentials? (Use this to put together a self-care kit!)
- What limiting beliefs are holding you back right now?
- Make a list of new hobby ideas to try out just for fun.
- How do you like to relax and unwind after a long day?
- What is one way you can reduce stress in your life?
- What do you love about yourself?
- Brainstorm small daily habit shifts that could positively impact your mental health.
- List some positive self-care quotes that help remind you to care for yourself.
- What boundaries need to be set in order to protect your mental health?
- What areas of life are positively impacting your mental health right now? How?
- What areas of life are negatively impacting your mental health right now? How?
- Write a letter of appreciation and admiration to yourself. Celebrate all that you are!
- Make a list of solo date ideas to treat yourself to.
- Which aspects of your current mindset are serving you? Which are limiting you?
- Do you feel that you are an optimist or a pessimist? Why?
- What are you looking forward to right now?
- What is your self-care love language?
- How can you make time to slow down and rest every day?
- What type of self-care do you feel you need the most? How can you fulfill that need?
- Are you currently saying “yes” to anything that is harming your mental health? Why?
- Where can you/do you need to stand up for yourself more? How can you practice utilizing your voice?
- Make a list of inspirational quotes that boost your mood.
- Make a list of positive affirmations for self-worth and self-love.
Physical Health & Wellness Prompts
- List the physical sensations you feel in your body. How would you describe them?
- Write a letter of gratitude to your body for all it does.
- What is your favorite way to practice physical self-care?
- When do you feel the most confident in your physical appearance?
- How would you describe the relationship between you and your body?
- Put together a list of items for a physical self-care kit. What would you include? (think: spa night, mani/pedi, self-care shower, etc.)
- What are your favorite physical features about yourself?
- What does your current nighttime routine look like? How could you shift this to prioritize better sleep?
- Start a list of habit tracker ideas that will help support better physical health and self-care.
- How would you describe your relationship with food?
- What areas of your physical health and self-care are thriving? Where do you feel you could improve?
- How do you most like to rest? Make a list of restful activities to care for your body.
- What are some things you can do to feel good in your body today?
- Do you think self-care is more physical or mental? Why?
- Compare a time when you were not practicing self-care to a time when you were. What differences do you notice?
- Do you feel energized in your daily life? Why or why not?
- Make a gratitude list solely about your physical body and what it does.
- Write some positive affirmations for body image.
- Do a mental body scan. Then, take 5-10 deep breaths and actively release any tension you’re holding. After, do another body scan. Write about the noticeable differences.
- When you are short on time, what are some ways you can fit in some quick self-care?
Social Self-Care Journal Prompts
- Make a gratitude list for the people in your life.
- Do you feel that you practice social self-care? Why or why not?
- Why is social connection important to you?
- What makes a relationship healthy for you?
- What makes a relationship unhealthy for you?
- Do you feel that you have healthy boundaries in place in your relationships?
- Why are boundaries important in relationships?
- What does “family” mean to you?
- How can you prioritize more social self-care in your daily life?
- Do you feel that social media helps or harms your social connection?
- Write a letter to a loved one.
- Write a kind message to someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Text it to them.
- What relationships do you feel still need closure/time to grieve?
- What are your favorite qualities in a friend?
- What are your favorite qualities in a romantic partner?
- How do you feel after social interaction?
- How do you feel after alone time?
- Do you feel more recharged by spending time with others or spending time by yourself? Why?
- Make a list of people that you feel unconditionally loved by.
- What negative relationship experiences have you gone through? What lessons did you learn?
- What is your perspective on love? Do you consider yourself a romantic?
- Describe some recent moments that you have felt loved and seen by someone in your life.
- How do you express love to others? What do you feel like your expressive love language is?
- Does how you show love differ from how you feel love? Do you feel you have different love languages for giving and receiving love?
- What adults had the largest impact on your life/upbringing? What do you remember most about them?
- Where do you receive most of your social interaction? (Work, school, family, friends, clubs, groups, etc.)
- Make a list of all the social roles you feel you have. (caretaker, planner, life of the party, quiet one, etc.) Do you enjoy these roles or do they feel like they were pushed onto you?
- How do you feel you differ in different social settings? Which setting brings out the most authentic you?
- What are your strengths in a relationship?
- What are your areas for improvement in a relationship?
Practical Self-Care Journal Prompts
- Describe your ideal night routine. How can you adapt your current habits to achieve this?
- Describe your ideal morning routine. How can you adapt your current habits to achieve this?
- What is something that you’ve been avoiding or putting off, and what is holding you back? How can you take a small step towards addressing it today?
- What does “productivity” mean to you? How does it look? How does it feel?
- What habits or routines are most important to you?
- What are your daily non-negotiables?
- Make a list of to-dos/chores that are weighing on your mind. Divide them into four categories: “today”, “this week”, “this month”, “this year”.
- Do you feel like you over-plan your days with to-dos or you need more to do?
- What does a “balanced” life mean to you? Get specific about what this looks like.
- What is taking up the most of your mental energy right now? How can you lessen the burden of that?
- What sparks motivation for you? How do you regain/maintain motivation?
- How can you improve your night routine to prioritize better sleep?
- What small daily habits can you pick up to improve your overall well-being?
- Are you a procrastinator? How does this impact your life, happiness, stress, and well-being?
- “I am going to take care of myself this week by…”
- “Today, I will accomplish…”
- “Tomorrow, I will accomplish…”
- “This week, I will accomplish…”
- “This month, I will accomplish…”
- From start to finish, describe an ideal day in the life of your best self. How can you incorporate these habits, routines, and behaviors into your daily life now?
Spiritual Self-Care Journal Prompts
- How would you describe your relationship with a higher power?
- Do you consider yourself religious? Why or why not?
- How was spirituality involved in your upbringing/childhood?
- In what ways do you communicate to the universe?
- Describe a moment you have experienced clear communication with a higher power.
- What spiritual practices do you currently hold? Do these feel fulfilling? Why or why not?
- What spiritual practices are you interested in/curious about exploring? How can you learn more about these?
- Who is your highest self? Do you feel in alignment with them?
- What do you feel is your soul’s purpose/calling? When do you feel you are most fulfilled?
- When do you feel most connected to the universe?
- Do you feel safe in openly expressing/exploring your spirituality? Why or why not?
- When has the universe listened to you and provided you with exactly what you needed?
- When have you felt your belief/spirituality was tested? How did you overcome this?
- What about your spiritual self are you still learning, exploring, or developing?
- What does spiritual self-care look like for you? How can you tend to this side of yourself?
- Describe the relationship between your mind, body, and soul. How do you feel all three connect?
- Are there any areas where your mind, body, and soul feel out of alignment? How might you mend this disconnect?
- What is your most memorable spiritual moment? Describe it.
- How does spirituality show up in your everyday life?
- What are your hopes for your future in regard to spiritual growth?
The Power of Self-Care Journaling
Journaling specifically on the 6 areas of self-care can drastically improve your quality of life.
Your mental, physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and practical self-care are all incredibly valuable areas of life that deserve devoted attention and care.
By taking the time to thoughtfully reflect, you are intentionally putting yourself first.
Your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it!
Designate some time for quality reflection and introspection regarding these journaling prompts.
Self-care is so much more than just bubble baths and face masks. It’s the deeper stuff too.. and these self-care prompts are here to guide you as you explore it all!
mel says
Phew!! what a list!!! You’re a real gun at self care Del!!! (Actually you’re a real gun at blogging full stop)! I can answer one question and that is my most memorable spiritual moment. Attending an Eckhart Tolle retreat in sunny Qld was a spiritual moment like no other! Not only did I meet some lovely people butI left with a feeling of absolute peace, joy and happiness. I floated all the way home and to this day use his teachings to help me through difficult moments. you’re the best Eckhart, I love you!๐ ……(Thanks for the chat Del)๐
Delaney says
You are so sweet!!! So glad you’re enjoying! XOXO